Grab some goodies while your here... The coffee's hot!

Grab some goodies while your here... The coffee's hot!
Grab some goodies while your here... The coffee's hot!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why I've neglected my blog...

So... Does anyone else feel horrible when they haven't updated their blog? As if the world is waiting for an update on my DIY photowall. Lol Seriously! I am constantly feeling guilty....NOT that I haven't even worked on the wall project in two weeks now. No, no. I feel guilty that I haven't posted the why. Haha... I just have to laugh at myself sometimes.

Anywho, the reason I have neglected my hair, ; ) is because I have just finished work on two very amazing clients photos! I will post a couple of my favs here, but I will have a lot more on my photography blog, if you'd like to see them. : )

Here are a couple of my favorites..... I really adore these guys. It completely POURED rain the entire night before and morning of our shoot, and we decided to go threw with it anyway and see what happened!! Sooo glad we did. The shots came out absolutely amazing. They really were troopers threw the cold and all.... (And to those of you reading this thinking....Yeah right, Phoenix Arizona... Cold? But it is true! It was downright chilly out.

I had to REALLY force myself to stop here... I have way too many favorites to try and share them all here. But if any of you would like to see more, I have more on my professional blog..... OR even better, if you have the time and inclination. lol Their gallery is Open to the public for now on my Main Site! Let me know what you think! ; )

OH! And I promise to have an update on my photowall soon. I've been bummed that I haven't had the time to work on it....


  1. Those pictures are amazing! I'm going to snag a few for inspiration.

  2. Thank you!!!! It was a great day...
    Just pretty please give me credit? :)

  3. Here from the 'bee... GORGEOUS pictures!

  4. Thank you so much Spinningstars! :) I just left a comment on your great blog. How did your e-shoot go?? I can't wait to see them...!

  5. Just dropped by from Weddingbee :)

    Those pictures are AMAZING! The second from last one looks like a magazine ad straight from the pages of GQ for something expensive. Love it!

    PS: Could those tights be any sexier!?


    Where's the photo-wall? lol

  7. Thanks Manda Mack... I needed that. Lol
